One of the frequently asked Java interview questions is how to reverse the words in a sentence. In this tutorial, we will explore how to reverse the words in a sentence using Java. Reversing the words in a sentence means changing the order of the words so that the last word becomes the first, the second last word becomes the […]

In this tutorial, we will discuss How to Shuffle Arrays Using Java Collections. This Java Interview question is asked to check your knowledge of collections and array concepts. To shuffle an array in Java using collections, you can follow these steps: Java program output:

Suppose you are in the Java Interview and were asked to write a Java program determining the number of Uppercase letters or characters in a String. How could you answer this question or what could be your approach to solving this Java program? Well, one of the approaches we will discuss in this tutorial. Steps Java Program To Find the […]

The most commonly asked interview questions and answers for SQL Interviews. In this article, we will discuss and focus mainly on the SQL Queries Interview. SQL Query To Print Details Of The Employees Who Have Born In Specified Year select * from employeeswhere year(birth_date) = 1965 SQL Query To Print Details Of The Employees Whose FIRST_NAME Ends With ‘t’. select […]

How to Handle Multiple Windows/Tabs in Selenium? Firstly, We will open three different tabs with different URLs and store unique identifier strings returned by the getWindowHandle() method in tab1, tab2, and tab3 string variables. Next, we will switch to Tab 2 using the driver.switchTo().window() method. We will then use the getWindowHandles() method to get the window handles and store them […]

This tutorial will briefly discuss the difference between getWindowHandle() and getWindowHandles() with a sample project. getWindowHandle() returns the window handle of the current or active window. getWindowHandles() returns a set of window handles for all the windows opened by the WebDriver instance. Example: package TestAutomationCentral; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;import org.openqa.selenium.WindowType;import; import java.util.Set; public class SeleniumWindowHandles { public static void main(String[] args) […]

STEP 1: Initial min and max values and set them to 0int min = 0, max = 0; STEP 2: Use for loop to iterate each element in the array for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) STEP 3: Within the loop, write if and else if conditions to compare the current element values and set min/max with […]