Using ChatGPT for Handling Checkboxes | Selenium WebDriver – Java | Step-By-Step Tutorials

We’ll walk you through a hands-on example that demonstrates how to programmatically select and unselect checkboxes using GenAI or ChatGPT, a task that forms the backbone of many web testing and automation projects. Our comprehensive guide covers everything from setting up your Selenium environment to crafting and dissecting the automation code. So, let’s dive in:

ChatGPT or GenAI Prompt for HAndling Checkboxes

Write Java Selenium automation code to select and unselect the checkboxes on the webpage located at with the following HTML DOM:

GENAI or ChatGPT Response:

Here’s the Java Selenium automation code to select and unselect the checkboxes on the provided webpage:



  1. Setup WebDriver: The code initializes the Chrome WebDriver and sets up the browser window to maximize.
  2. Implicit Wait: An implicit wait is set to handle delays in finding elements.
  3. Navigate to URL: The WebDriver navigates to the specified URL.
  4. Locate Simple Checkboxes: All checkboxes in the “Simple Checkboxes” section use a CSS selector.
  5. Select and Unselect Simple Checkboxes: Each checkbox is selected if it is not already selected, and then unselected if it is selected.
  6. Locate Styled Checkboxes: All checkboxes in the “Styled Checkboxes” section use a CSS selector.
  7. Select and Unselect Styled Checkboxes: Each checkbox is selected if it is not already selected and then unselected if it is selected.
  8. Close the Browser: The browser is closed after the operations are completed.

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